Monday, August 20, 2012

THe KinG MAkEr - mOnEy

"For I don't care too much for money, for money can't buy me love." - The Beatles

Money is always a recurring debate among the intellectual groups as well as laymen people.
"A day never goes by, without you shelling out a rupee.
A day never goes by, without you giving you a thought towards your finances.
A day never goes by, without you analyzing what money cant buy......."

The entire universe runs on currency.... Nowadays everything is valued in terms of currency....

Some say "Money cant buy everything"... Its fun to hear them say some kind of weird lines...

Money can buy a clock, but not time,
Money can buy a bed but, not sleep,
Money can buy a book, but not knowledge,
Money can fetch a doctor, but not good health,
Money can buy a position, but not respect,
Money can buy blood, but not life,
Money can buy gadgets, but not happiness.

STFU!!!...... DO you have time,sleep,knowledge,health,respect without money????... wrongly construed...

Everyone knows that politicos, sport stars, bureaucrats,film stars, et al  have much money and enjoy their life and even prayed as demigods.... Do you think this is because they don't have money??... They have plenty..... A politician's son becomes a politician but not a poor farmer's son........ Poor are always poor because.... they don't have "Money"..

If they had money, they will be called poor......they get respect in society, they get happiness by being respected, they can fetch doctor and get health checkup instead of dying of some unknown disease, They can send their children to school and educate them... what not...

I always believe in "Money makes everything"... so start believing!!

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